Agenda for ADASS POC Lunch Meeting

16 October 2002

12:20 - 2:00 pm, Marriott Waterfront Hotel, Kent A&B Rooms

  1. Report of ADASS XII LOC (10 min)
  2. Budget (20 min)
  3. Publication of the Proceedings (20 min)
  4. Future ADASS Venues (15 min)

    Note that a compilation of notes and advice for future LOC planning may be found at

    1. Strasbourg '03
      • Tentative Dates/Venue: 12 - 16 Oct. 2003 at the Strasbourg Convention Center
        Report from the ADASS XIII LOC:
        • Identification of key LOC members
        • Proposed budget, milestones/schedule, status

    2. Pasadena in '04
    3. Tucson in '05
    4. Candidates for host in '06?
    5. Preliminary ideas for ADASS XIII program, tutorials, etc.

  5. POC Membership (5 min)
  6. The Web site (5 min, time permitting)