ADASS Program Organizing Committee

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"Boiler plate" ADASS Key Speaker Invitation

Dear [potential speaker],

[Customized introductory verbiage... ] The organizers of the Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems (ADASS) conference have been working on the program for this year. The Committee is very keen to have you speak on your work related to [designated topic], and we would be delighted if you would accept our invitation to speak this year, with the specific focus of your talk to be left to your discretion. One of the key topics in this year's program is [key topic name], and your talk would make a great contribution in this area.

This year's conference will be held from 4 to 8 October at the Renaissance Sapporo Hotel in Sapporo, Japan, and will be hosted locally by the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ). You can browse the ADASS Web pages at: for background information about the ADASS conference. More details about this year's conference will be available at:

The ADASS attendees are typically about 50% programmers, 20% technical leads/project managers, and the remainder being scientists ranging from grad students to senior astronomers. Roughly 70% list astronomical research among their professional activities. We strive to keep the program strongly rooted in astronomy by including some speakers who describe the (often quite innovative) analysis they do in the course of their scientific research. Your talk should be about 25 min in length to allow about 5 min for discussion. The proceedings will be published on the Web and in the ASP Conference Series; if you agree to speak we expect to be able to accommodate your written contribution of up to 10 pages.

You should know that the conference registration fee is waived for invited speakers and we hope that they will attend most, if not all, of the conference. We do ask that you submit your abstract in a timely manner so that it can be included on the final program, as well as on the Web version of the preliminary program. (See the information regarding deadlines on the Web page above.)

We would be very pleased to have you speak at ADASS this year. [customized verbiage about why speaker is a great "match" with ADASS].

Please let me know fairly soon, preferably within the next week, whether you can accept this invitation so that the program can be finalized.

[title, institution, etc.]

PS: FYI, this year's list of main topics is:

Copyright © 2006 The Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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Last updated 2006-04-10